
How Was Our First Hacker News Meetup Berlin?

I think we’re off to a good start! A bunch of us came out for a nice chat about Berlin’s startup scene, about technology, and generally to get to know each other. Since this was my “minimum viable meetup” I certainly wanted to know what everyone’s expectations were so we could develop it from there (and pivot if necessary). Simon suggested to take cues from the Berlin fine arts scene and throw more parties. Sounds great to me! At the same time, it was clear to everyone that we wanted to see what people were up to so demos should definitely be part of the next meetups. And so we ended up getting our laptops out, showing each other what we’ve been working on: by Robert (with much praise for CoffeeScript), a spring-layout based tool for goals and todo lists by Christian (C#), and our very own Stock Performer (Javascript/CakePHP).

People want to get together on a regular basis so the next HN Meetup should be in one or two months. Goldapfel seemed a good place for this. It was suggested to move it to Monday to avoid collisions with other tech meetups. I’ll keep that in mind and you posted!

(I noticed too late that I should’ve brought my camera so here are the only two iPhone stills taken that night — a few people had already left.)

Hacker News Meetup Berlin

Hacker News Meetup Berlin