
Terminal-Based User Interfaces in Go

Recently, a number of Go packages to create terminal-based user interfaces popped up. This is great because it allows you to run semigraphical applications on the server. It’s also more secure than implementing a dedicated admin area in your web app because it reduces the attack surface by hiding behind an ssh login. Here’s an example from Stock Performer where we can monitor the analytics precomputations that happen on the server: Read more...

My Gopher Academy Blog Post on Web Sessions and User Workflows

I’ve released two new Golang packages on GitHub: and They will help you write web apps in Golang.


Maintaining a Secure Server

Having to run your own server, whether it’s in the cloud or rented as a physical machine in a data center, is inevitable once you try to do more than just host a few HTML files. It seems easy at first: Install Linux and the LAMP stack and you’re ready to go. But even with the best intentions, chances are you will quickly find that your server has been hacked and is now serving porn to the world and emailing viruses to unsuspecting internet users.