
Developers Unhappy at Berlin Startups

At many of these Berlin meetups that are happening almost every day now, I bump into developers employed at startups. Maybe it is the nature of these events but I have yet to meet someone who is happy with their employer and who is not looking for a new job. Naturally, I ask them what it is that they dislike so much about their job. The answers are surprisingly uniform. Read more...

Four Ways to Start Up – Where Do You Stand?

There are four common ways to start an Internet business: The dot-com method: Come up with a revolutionary idea, write up a business plan, get VC money, hire a team of 50 people, burn through your millions in funding, and launch your fully developed website a year later. Lately, there is typically an intermediate step of getting angel money first. The bootstrapping / MVP method: Build an MVP — minimum viable product — first. Read more...