
Germany’s “Startup Incubators”

Since YCombinator came on the scene, a number of investors have also started to call themselves “startup incubators”. In Germany, there is a group of people who became quite successful with the ever-discussed copycat. Many of them have since gone on to become an incubator. The biggest ones are probably “Rocket Internet” and “FoundersLink” but there are more which may fall into this category. They basically have a list of copycat “ideas” which they would like to implement. Read more...

We Already Launched!

You may wonder why there have been few posts in the last few weeks. Part of it has to do with my amazement how other founders can spend so much time writing thoughtful blog posts while running a startup. When I’m working on something intensely, blogging, tweeting, facebook-status-updating, even the hourly check of the HN front page comes as a distraction. And if I do need a healthy dose of distraction, I’d rather not spend it in front my computer, too. Read more...

A Few Startup Areas We’re Currently Discussing

In our search for a good place to start our venture, we’ve been discussing a number of ideas and areas. I’ll list them here although I know the discussion is far from finished. We haven’t done much research yet either. This is for you to join the discussion. Analytics: It seems people are data hungry. Money is being made by scraping statistics off sites such as iStockphoto and presenting them in a better way than what’s already available. Read more...